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ITV Call to action following The Dentists

The British Society of Paediatric Dentistry (BSPD) wants to work with health officials to make it easier for parents and concerned healthcare professionals to help children with dental decay get early access to a paediatric dentist.
It showed the operations and procedures provided at the dental hospital, including two general anaesthetics on children undergoing multiple extractions.
Claire Stevens, a consultant in paediatric dentistry at the University Dental Hospital of Manchester, and spokeswoman for the society, said: 'If these children had seen a paediatric dentist earlier, it might have been possible to save their teeth, instead of removing them and potentially triggering dental anxieties for life.'
Whilst child dental health in the north west is amongst the worst in the UK, Manchester is not unique.
Tooth decay is the third most common reason for a child to be admitted to hospital for a general anaesthetic with thousands of operations taking place at hospitals up and down the country every year.
Claire said that while the distressing images of children waking up from an operation was a wake-up call for society at large, there were positive steps all parents could take, with the support of a general dental practitioner, to improve their children’s dental health, including regular visits to a dentist, fissure sealants and fluoride treatments, reducing the frequency of consumption of sugary snacks and drinks and regular twice-daily brushing at home.
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